Behavioural Science

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Behavioural Science
UN Entities
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April 22, 2024

[UN 2.0 Week] How the UN 2.0 Vision Will Help Us Get to the SDGs

Hear from UN Secretary-General António Guterres and senior UN leaders as they lay out the vision for a modernized UN.
April 19, 2024

Using Behavioural and Experimental Evidence to Inform Global Development

This session shed light on global work in evidence generation using randomised evaluations and how the UN can leverage and build upon it in its increasing application of behavioural science.
April 18, 2024

UN Innovation Update 2024

Explore how 40 Entities are leveraging new approaches and cutting-edge technologies in their work.
April 15, 2024

Behavior Change for Low Carbon Energy Access Technologies - A Toolkit

This toolkit aims to help WB task team leads and other practitioners apply behavioral science principles to identify factors influencing clean energy technology adoption and design effective solutions to overcome individual, social, and environmental barriers to adopting and sustaining clean energy solutions among low-income households and communities in developing countries
SDG 06: Clean Water & Sanitation
January 1, 2024

Behavioural Science - Sludge Reduction

The UN is applying behavioural science to support its transformation into a streamlined, agile, and high-impact organisation. Behavioural science refers to an evidence-based understanding of how people behave, make decisions and respond to policies.
November 9, 2023

The Contribution of Behavioral Science to Addressing the Social and Wider Determinants of Health

This report discusses the differences and similarities between two approaches to health equity and inequalities: individually oriented behaviour change, and the social or wider determinants of health.
SDG 03: Good Health & Well-Being
October 24, 2023

UN Innovation Update 2023

The UN Innovation Update highlight how 40 UN Entities from across the system are leveraging innovative approaches in their work.
September 15, 2023

Behavior Change in Solid Waste Management: A Compendium of Cases

This compendium is designed to help decision-makers investigate, understand, and respond to waste management challenges through interventions considering a behavioral science lens.
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption & Production
SDG 13: Climate Action
September 6, 2023

UN 2.0 Policy Brief

The Brief outlines the SG's vision for a modernised UN system with cutting-edge skills and forward-thinking culture.
June 26, 2023

Use of Behavioural Science in Organizations: A Workforce Survey

This survey tool was designed to support organizations that wish to assess barriers and drivers for a systematic use of behavioural science in their public health workforce, policies and programmes.
SDG 03: Good Health & Well-Being
June 16, 2023

Behavioural Science and Migration: People on the Move

In this session, UN Entities explored how behavioural science can be applied to improve the lives of people on the move.
Humanitarian Action
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
June 16, 2023

How Does BeSci Fit into the Work of the UN? - Value Add and Criticisms

This session reviews and discusses prominent critiques of the discipline raised by activists and academics, and how these manifest and are addressed within the UN.
June 16, 2023

BeSci to Improve Knowledge and Information Sharing

In this session, entities shared how behavioural science can be applied to improve the way that UN colleagues share knowledge and information.
June 15, 2023

The Role of BeSci in Tackling Non-Communicable Diseases

The session presented a framework on the relationships between non-communicable disease prevention, detection, and management and behavioural determinants at the individual, community, and health systems levels.
SDG 03: Good Health & Well-Being
June 15, 2023

Applying Behavioural Insights to Strengthen Health Equity and Impact

This event explored participatory behavioural change design methods for increasing equitable uptake of health services amongst underserved communities.
SDG 03: Good Health & Well-Being
June 15, 2023

Behavioural Science and Artificial Intelligence

This event discussed the intersection of BeSci and artificial intelligence and what it means for the work of the UN.

Innovation Library

The UN Innovation Network and many UN Entities regularly host webinars and discussions to uncover emerging good practices, showcase successful projects and learn about opportunity areas for innovation, data and digital transformation.

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