Together we talk: guiding respectful digital dialogue
UN Entity:
SDG 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
Innovation Area:
Behavioural Science
You’ve likely come across it at some point, maybe even without realizing it. It stirs up controversy, instigates conflict, and yet can seem so innocuous wrapped up in a catchy meme or a trending hashtag. It’s disconcerting, but you’re intrigued.
Exactly what makes speech ‘dangerous’ and can’t we just scroll past it? Let’s dive deeper.
Welcome to “Together We Talk”, a toolkit designed to navigate these murky waters, championing dialogue, unity, and peace amidst the digital tumult. If you are a curious learner, a believer in peace and non-violence, an influencer, a leader, an organization dedicated to making the world a better place, or simply, a human, then this toolkit is for you!