Innovation Library

Explore our living library of innovation-related webinars and publications developed and hosted by UNIN and UN Entities.

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June 8, 2023

Digitalization and Child Labour in Agriculture

Exploring blockchain and Geographic Information Systems to monitor and prevent child labour in Ghana’s cocoa sector.
SDG 02: Zero Hunger
May 25, 2023

A Global Digital Compact - an Open, Free and Secure Digital Future for All

The Global Digital Compacts sets out principles, objectives and actions for advancing an open, free, secure and human-centred digital future.
May 23, 2023

Assessing Agricultural Innovation Systems for Action at Country Level

The assessment framework helps key stakeholders to catalyze system innovation processes and identify entry points for developing capacities to innovate in a a sector, a value chain, a territory or at country level.
SDG 01: No Poverty
SDG 02: Zero Hunger
SDG 09: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 15: Life on Land
May 18, 2023

Aligning digital and industrial policy to foster future industrialization

This brief explores the emergence of national digital policies and their compatibility with our previous understanding of industrial policy.
SDG 08: Decent Work & Economic Growth
SDG 09: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
May 15, 2023

From 1% to 30%: The Journey of the Philippines towards responsible Digital Payments

This case study examines the success story of the Philippines in adopting digital payments by diving into the key decisions made by the government and private sector in accelerating the adoption of responsible digital payments.
SDG 05: Gender Equality
SDG 08: Decent Work & Economic Growth
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
SDG 09: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
May 15, 2023

Agritech and Fintech Providers in East and Southern Africa: A Landscape Assessment

This report examines the universe of agritech and fintech providers that influence access to finance in East and Southern Africa, exploring their potential to become commercially viable and achieve scale.
SDG 02: Zero Hunger
May 10, 2023

How to Build Innovation Partnerships

The event discusses the special link between innovation and partnerships, discussed what a "partnership" really is, and shared a framework to work with as teams build out future partnerships.
May 6, 2023

Digital Public Goods for the SDGs

This report discusses emerging insights related to the sustainability, replicability and partnerships of Digital Public Goods based on five case studies.
April 27, 2023

Scaling the Summit - How the UN can Expand Promising Ideas to Change the World

This report reviews experience and practice in supporting social innovations along the journey to scale.
April 27, 2023

Scaling the Summit - How the UN can Expand Promising Ideas to Change the World

This webinar reviews experience and practice in supporting social innovations along the journey to scale.
April 26, 2023

The Great AI Dilemma - Balancing AI Risks and Opportunities

This session discusses the future of AI and its implications for the economy.
April 26, 2023

Futures Tool for Intergenerational Equity

The futures tools help develop capabilities which can help advance equitable, just and fair generational relations.
April 21, 2023

Harnessing Data Innovation for Migration Policy: A Handbook for Practitioners

The Practitioners’ Handbook provides insights into why and how non-traditional data sources can contribute to better understanding migration-related phenomena.
SDG 01: No Poverty
SDG 02: Zero Hunger
SDG 03: Good Health & Well-Being
SDG 04: Quality Education
SDG 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
April 19, 2023

How to Leverage Azure OpenAI in your Work

Learn more about the features of Microsoft's Azure OpenAI service.
April 19, 2023

ChatGPT and Large Language Models: Challenges and Opportunities

This session explores ChatGPT, a multilingual chatbot that can generate new content without explicit human input.
April 14, 2023

What You Need to Know About Intergenerational Equity - Agenda, Best Practices and Tools

This session provides UN colleagues, particularly those in foresight and policy roles, with crucial updates on Intergenerational Equity in the UN context and beyond, definitions and tools to start thinking and acting on the IGE agenda.
April 12, 2023

Our Future Pledge - An Agenda for Futures by Youth

This toolkit provides a comprehensive guide on exploring alternative futures, creating your own scenarios, and advocating for greater youth inclusion in foresight
April 12, 2023

 [TechLearnTalk] An Introduction to the metaverse

This session explores the metaverse, the opportunities and risks associated with it, and how it can be used for the work of the UN.
April 12, 2023

[UN BeSci Week] Scaling Behavioural Science with Prof John List

This session explores considerations for scaling behavioural science, including enablers such as using incentives, implementing ideas at the margins of existing operations, letting go of less promising ideas, and encouraging a sustainable scaling culture.
April 11, 2023

The Digital Leisure Divide and the Forcibly Displaced (Field Research)

This report examines how digital technologies are being used by forcibly displaced people for leisure purposes (incl. entertainment, gaming, sexuality, content creation, community voice, and livelihoods)
Humanitarian Action
March 14, 2023

ChatGPT Explained for Development Practitioners

Can artificial intelligence produce an informed conversation about the broad and complex development challenges we tackle in our work? With its wide range of applications, can ChatGPT revolutionize the way we produce and manage knowledge and conduct business as an organization?
March 13, 2023

Opening Green Windows: Technological Opportunities for a Low-Carbon World

The report highlights the opportunities that green innovation – goods and services with smaller carbon footprints – offer developing countries to strengthen their economies and boost their technological capacities.
SDG 09: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
SDG 13: Climate Action
March 13, 2023

Digital Africa: Technological Transformation for Jobs

Evidence presented in this report demonstrates that internet availability increases jobs and reduced poverty in African countries.
SDG 08: Decent Work & Economic Growth
February 23, 2023

Behavioural Science for Better Hiring

This webinar shares evidence-based and behaviourally-informed strategies to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in hiring.
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February 16, 2023

Digital Accessibility: The Power of Accessible Stories

Valuable insights and best practices for making data visualizations inclusive and effective.
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Innovation Library

The UN Innovation Network and many UN Entities regularly host webinars and discussions to uncover emerging good practices, showcase successful projects and learn about opportunity areas for innovation, data and digital transformation.

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