IMF Climate Innovation Challenge Pitch Event

At the IMF, climate change is now at the heart of our work on economic and financial stability, growth, and jobs. Policy innovation is central to helping member countries reduce emissions, build resilience, and capture the opportunities for greener growth. How might we integrate climate change into economic analysis to promote green policies? To help answer this question, the IMF is organizing an innovation challenge on the economic and financial stability aspects of climate change. Country authorities/agencies, civil society organizations (including think tanks), and staff from the IMF, World Bank, and international organizations are invited to submit proposals that have the potential to enhance the IMF’s capacity development, policy advice, and operational impact in areas where economic and financial policies intersect with climate change. The winning teams were selected based equally on the quality of their pitches, finalized bootcamp deliverables, and the following criteria: (i) relevance and potential impact; (ii) feasibility; (iii) innovation and additionality; (iv) team composition and engagement; and (v) support from stakeholders.

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