Putting People at the Center of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI): Annual Report 2023

Aligned with the World Bank's mission to alleviate extreme poverty and promote prosperity, this report underscores the commitment to leveraging digital technologies for inclusive development and empowerment, particularly for vulnerable populations. The joint Annual Report's In Focus section highlights the tangible outcomes of ID4D and G2Px through dedicated work programs on Knowledge, Convening, and Action. It provides a comprehensive overview of key priorities and activities undertaken by each initiative in 2023, spotlighting impactful work at global, regional, and country levels. The success of ID4D and G2Px is attributed to the close collaboration and strong support from partners such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, French Treasury, Norwegian Agency for Development (Norad), United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and the Omidyar Network, as well as partnerships with academia, the private sector, and civil society

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