Launch of the Innovation for Impact e-Learning Pathway & UN Innovation Toolkit e-Learning Module 

The UN Secretary-General has made innovation a priority, repeatedly highlighting the need to shift from “accidental” innovation to innovation “by design”. In doing so he called for the development of the UN Innovation Toolkit, a resource that provides actionable guidance on how to foster, scale, and accelerate innovation across the UN System. The United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) hosts the Toolkit, and, due to its mandate of building capacity and sharing knowledge throughout the UN System, has been entrusted to design and deliver training and insight its contextualization and mainstreaming. The UNSSC is proud to announce that to support these efforts, it has designed and launched the free-of-charge, online, self-paced Innovation for Impact Learning Path – which will be composed of the Introduction to Innovation Learning Module, and the just released UN Innovation Toolkit Learning Module - available to all UN staff through its BlueLine platform - as a service to the System as we all work to " revolutionary...and embrace innovation to meet the challenges of our time".

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