Accelerating Action towards A Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age

This Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability (CODES) Side Event at UNEA presents the Action Plan for A Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age. The Action Plan calls for three fundamental shifts that are needed to harness digital technologies to accelerate planetary sustainability. These include: \- Shift 1 Enable Alignment: Create the enabling conditions to align the vision, values and objectives of the digital age with sustainable development; \- Shift 2 Mitigate Negative Impacts: A commitment to sustainable digitalisation that mitigates the negative environmental and social impacts of digital technologies; \- Shift 3 Accelerate Innovation: Directing efforts and investments toward digital innovation that accelerates environmental and social sustainability. Within each shift, the Action Plan identifies six strategic priorities that must be addressed during the 2022-2025 timeline. The Side Event will include a Panel Discussion that will seek to answer two key questions: \- How can CODES deepen the level of stakeholder engagement and buy in to the Action Plan, with a specific focus on member states and UNEA stakeholders ? \- How can CODES catalyze specific commitments and leadership for the Impact Initiatives proposed by the Action Plan by relevant stakeholders in the leadup to Stockholm plus 50.

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