Behavioural Science

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Behavioural Science
UN Entities
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August 15, 2022

UN Innovation Update (Q1 2021)

Highlights from the innovation efforts of UN Entities in the first quarter of 2021.
August 15, 2022

Collective Intelligence for Sustainable DevelopmentGetting Smarter Together

This report sets out how governments and the many organizations involved in global development are increasingly mobilizing not just money, but also intelligence to speed up progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
August 15, 2022

Collective Intelligence for Sustainable Development13 Stories from the UNDP Accelerator Labs

This report provides 13 case studies of the collective intelligence initiatives developed and run by the Accelerator Labs in their first year of operation.
August 15, 2022

UN Secretary-General's Guidance Note on Behavioural Science

The Secretary-General’s Guidance urges all colleagues to explore and apply behavioural science in programmatic and administrative areas and work together to realise its tremendous potential for impact towards the SDGs.
August 15, 2022

UN Behavioural Science Report

Explore how 25 UN Entities are applying behavioural science in the UN Behavioural Science Report. The Report outlines approaches and experiences from across the UN and shares practical steps to create an enabling environment for the application of behavioural science.
August 15, 2022

COVID-19 Innovation Report

Ranking COVID-19 innovation in 100 cities and 40 countries
SDG 03: Good Health & Well-Being
August 15, 2022

UN Innovation Update (Q3 2021)

Highlights from the innovation efforts of UN Entities in the third quarter of 2021.
August 15, 2022

COVID-19 Data Collection Tool for Africa

The tool helps countries collect accurate and up-to-date social and behavioural data to inform their COVID-19 response.
SDG 03: Good Health & Well-Being
August 15, 2022

COVID-19 Vaccination Confidence, Access and Roll-out: Global Lessons from the Field using Behavioural Science

SDG 03: Good Health & Well-Being
August 15, 2022

Ethical Considerations When Applying Behavioural Science in Projects Focused on Children

This paper distils provides examples of how evidence-based interventions can meaningfully impact children’s futures. A toolkit to guide to support practitioners through key ethical decision points.
No items found.
August 15, 2022

Turning digital technology innovation into climate action.

Climate change is threatening to increase vulnerability, undermine economic gains, hinder social and economic development, and worsen access to basic services and the quality of life of citizens all over the world.
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
August 15, 2022

Sentiment towards Migration during COVID-19: What Twitter Data can tell Us

The report investigates changes in public discourses on migration-related topics during the early stage of COVID-19 by conducting algorithm-enabled analyses of over 30 million Tweets.
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
August 15, 2022

Sentiment towards migration during COVID-19: What Twitter data can tell us

The report investigates changes in public discourses about migration-related topics in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic by conducting algorithm-based analyses of over 30 million Tweets.
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 03: Good Health & Well-Being
August 15, 2022

Principles and Steps for Applying a Behavioural Perspective to Public Health

The WHO Technical Advisory Group on behavioural insights and science for health developed six behavioural insights principles and five steps to support WHO’s efforts and those of its partners.
No items found.
August 15, 2022

Behavioural Science to Reduce Administrative Burden

This brief explores how behavioural science can be used to reduce administrative burdens and increase efficiency, effectiveness and improve employee satisfaction within the UN system.
August 15, 2022

Social & Behavioural Insights COVID-19 Data Collection Tool for Africa

A tool to help collect and use social and behavioural data that is locally-relevant in the response to COVID-19.
SDG 03: Good Health & Well-Being

Innovation Library

The UN Innovation Network and many UN Entities regularly host webinars and discussions to uncover emerging good practices, showcase successful projects and learn about opportunity areas for innovation, data and digital transformation.

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