Behavioural Science

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Behavioural Science
UN Entities
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June 15, 2023

Global Support for the Application of Behavioural Science

This event demonstrates global support for behavioural science in the UN as well as in Member States, academia and other partner organisations.
June 14, 2023

The Neuroscience of Peace and Conflict

This webinar discusses the neuroscience of peace and conflict.
SDG 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
June 14, 2023

Empowering Women through Behavioural Science

This session sheds light on how UN Entities are applying behavioural science to empower women.
SDG 05: Gender Equality
June 14, 2023

UN Entity Experiences Embedding Behavioural Science

In this session, UN behavioural science practitioners discussed their experiences embedding behavioural science into their programmes, processes and institutions.
June 14, 2023

Emerging Areas of Behavioural Science Application the UN

This session explored relatively emerging areas of behavioural science in the UN.
SDG 04: Quality Education
SDG 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
June 13, 2023

Behavioural Science for Sustainability

This session explored a range of UN experiences applying behavioural science to address sustainability.
SDG 13: Climate Action
June 13, 2023

BeSci 101: Introduction to Behavioural Science

This session is designed for colleagues new to behavioural science and introduced behavioural science and showcased practical applications from within the UN system.
June 13, 2023

Applying Behavioural Science Across the Food System

In this session, four UN organisations – FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, and WFP – presented and discussed examples of where behavioural science has been used in practice across the whole food system to improve outcomes.
SDG 02: Zero Hunger
SDG 03: Good Health & Well-Being
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption & Production
June 13, 2023

Tackling Administrative Burdens and Behavioural Frictions

Behavioural frictions such as "administrative burdens" can make it harder for us to do what we want. This session discusses how to tackle administrative burdens using behavioural science.
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
June 12, 2023

How Behavioural Science is Generating Impact in the UN

The opening session of the 2023 UN Behavioural Science Week discusses the potential behavioural science holds for the work of the UN and the impact it has generated so far.
June 12, 2023

Using Evidence from BeSci for Climate Action in Development Contexts

Behavioural science can contribute to realising positive environmental and development outcomes this session summarises findings of this work.
SDG 13: Climate Action
April 12, 2023

[UN BeSci Week] Scaling Behavioural Science with Prof John List

This session explores considerations for scaling behavioural science, including enablers such as using incentives, implementing ideas at the margins of existing operations, letting go of less promising ideas, and encouraging a sustainable scaling culture.
February 23, 2023

Behavioural Science for Better Hiring

This webinar shares evidence-based and behaviourally-informed strategies to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in hiring.
No items found.
February 15, 2023

Behavioural Science Interventions within the Development and Environmental Fields in Developing Countries: An Evidence Gap Map

This evidence gap map presents a landscape of studies on the effectiveness of behavioural science interventions in developing countries within the context of climate change.
SDG 13: Climate Action
February 14, 2023

Behavioural Science Interventions within the Development and Environmental Fields in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review

This paper presents a systematic review on behavioural science interventions in the human development and environmental fields in developing countries.
SDG 13: Climate Action
December 12, 2022

Behavioural Science in the Field: Evidence and Lessons

The webinar showcases the results of three behavioural science pilot studies on uptake of climate Information in farming decisions, adherence to slaughterhouse cleaning protocols, completion rates of online trainings.
SDG 02: Zero Hunger

Innovation Library

The UN Innovation Network and many UN Entities regularly host webinars and discussions to uncover emerging good practices, showcase successful projects and learn about opportunity areas for innovation, data and digital transformation.

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